In a world where mystical creatures roam free, Angela is known as the Queen of the Sugar Plum Fairies. Gabriel Reyes is one of the only Raven's left in the clan known as 'NeverMore'. The fairies and ravens never got along, but Angela tries to change this. Though her goal is swayed when a random human runs into the fairy lands and she falls for him, though this man has very sinster intentions for the sweet fairy woman. Gabriel notices this and tries to warn the Fairy Queen, but she doesnt believe him. Will love blossom between the fairy and the raven or will she be swayed into being with a human who will potentially kill her and her clan? {CONTENT WARNING FOR VULGAR AND OR ABUSIVE LANGUAGES} {Ship(s): MercyKill, Mercy76, and McMercy (briefly) !VIEWER DISCRETION ADVISED!