A magical town outside of New York City filled with witches, warlocks, vampires, werewolves, mermaids, mermen, and fairies. In 1995, some human foreign exchange students came to town. One left suddenly. In 2006, she returns with a ten-year-old son.
Meet Amber, a human, who joins the town board.
Meet Carter, a warlock, who is also on the town board.
Meet Con, a werewolf, the minister's son, an absolute player and a police officer.
Meet Eddie, half-vampire, half-human, a dental resident, who is really just a hopeless romantic.
Meet Autumn, half-witch, half-fairy, an English teacher, and mother.
Meet Marty, half-vampire, half-human, a history teacher, Eddie's brother, and Autumn's husband.
"You're my mate," he whispers as takes my hand. Huh?! I'm your what? Amber has never heard of werewolves before, either has anyone else. The only people who did know about werewolves were werewolves. She's surprised the school's player, Damian is one and also that's she's his mate. On their eighteenth birthday werewolves find their mate, and Damian the Alpha finds out Amber's his. She finds it hard to trust someone who plays every girl in school. Once she finds out Damian's one, she also finds out the people most close to her are ones too. She doesn't know what to do, how can you love someone who might play you?