In the first installment of the Tethered series, in a once human world now inhabited and ran by supernatural creatures, a troubled half human, nineteen year old monster hunter Bryer Keller finds herself caught in the midst of a hidden corruption amongst the incredibly powerful supernatural authorities, The Fallen.
Bryer, an orphan at fifteen when both her parents were killed in a mysterious boating accident, has no memory of life before the accident.
Running from her past for the last four years since then, Bryer finds herself targeted suddenly by numerous enemies, forcing her to run into hiding with her friend and partner, Dovelin, as they face the horrors and truths from her past, her true identity, and the complications and betrayals they encounter along the way.
She is quickly joined by the rugged and dangerous rouge, Fallen Warrior, Artem, whose past hides secrets and ties with Bryer's in a life altering way. Gathering a group of unlikely companions, Bryer is forced to face her haunted fears and battle the daily emotions and feelings of a damaged and lonely teenage girl who just wanted to be normal.
In this epic tale of sadness, fear, courage, friendship, loss and love, Bryer must finally decide if it is time to stop running.
C41 was taught to fight and never trust anyone but a select few. But in order to leave prison, he might have to work with those who can break him.
Inmate C41 is the youngest registered "feral" shapeshifter -- someone unable to control his animal urges and aggressions. When he turns eighteen he is transferred to the Adult Feral Rehabilitation Center in Scotland, where he meets a mysterious American government agent who endlessly probes him with questions. C41 does the only thing he thinks will help him survive - he lies. And that starts a chain of events that will either end in a prison break or a life of torture.
Content and/or Trigger Warning: sex and violence.
[[Wattys' Shortlist]]
[[word count: 70,000-80,000 words]]