Sandy Rush is a sequel to Sugar Rush the story that introduces Darulu a college student whose intensions his to join a faculty uint organization . After that episode his way forward is to combat another menace . which is fast spreading into another state that his constantly dwelling in when his not in college .That why you need to allow freedom of doing what ever comes from a writer heart don't racially bend the roles .I'm talking about those Midnight l sassy lies that you fail to admit or apologetic about your father gave you the home training . Don't test other people power you are nothing but a disgrace to your crew please take a hype let people breath in their own skin. Don't be a cheap bunny stay off am not afraid of you i cant kiss no one ass you know that because that how life is anyway****************************************************************** continues to subscribed into this authentic story preview and remember to tell your-friend me am here 24hrs day live note and comment I will reply back don't be afraid of any thing reading doesn't hut anyway GLOBALIZATION FINALIST*********** HOTLIST **************** Hello subscribers please dont save this document on your any media items are might be seen in book store so please dont take any contact to any one ok not every like exposing themselves so please be mindful do you biddingAll Rights Reserved