I'm a girl and I'm 17. So it's been about a month of schooling. (We go to school in different and smaller batches and all that stuff due to Corona). We had a testing week and I'm smack at the top of my class. I scored highest in every subject except physics which was off by one mark. So over all I'm first in class. (I'm not trying to show off I'm just trying to put into perspective my situation.) And my maths teacher (in which I'm the highest mark by the difference of about 12 marks) had given us a free period to talk amongst ourselves while correcting some other class's papers. During this correction he called me up to the teacher's table and told me verbatim "Your academics and all are perfect. Good co-curriculars too. But you just seem to be over weight. Try to reduce that and every man will want to get you." Let me tell you idk if I overreacted but in that moment I was so uncomfortable, I could barely speak. I turned red and blabbered something about my medical history and ran to a back corner of the classroom and disappeared by the end of class. And by the way I've been learning dance for 15 years and am a professional. Yes I'm a bit over weight but that's because I have pcos and it's being treated but my problem is that I've always had body image issues. I've always been the "fat kid" and I've learnt to ignore it when it comes up amongst peers and have made many friends who really don't care how I look. But it always stings when it comes from adults other than my doctor and I found that teachers atleast didn't care if I excelled in academics so I thew myself and worked my.. Continue reading go here:- https://vigyaa.io/help-i-find-my-teacher-disturbing-76b16d1b/All Rights Reserved