"My name is Cinder and I'm an addict. I'm 24 years old. I've been using for 7 years now. I've been arrested 26 times for drugs, theft and violence. I'm here because I'm a drug addict and I don't want to go to prison."
That's it. That's how Cinder Linh would describe herself even after all she's been through. She started from the basics, age and name, and then went to what that has been her reality for the past 5 years. Drugs. Even the word itself sounded so strange coming out of her mouth. But when she thought about drugs, instantly the familiar feeling of desire came over her. If you didn't know that part of her - the addiction - you would think she had her life under control. Living in her own apartment, working as a bartender, having friends and family who loved her. That way, it almost sounded perfect. But it was far from it. However, her condition was not an irreversible one. Even though she felt as if there was no way back from her actions, one person makes her see the good in her and in her life. That person makes everything less horrible, that person changes her life without her even knowing. The question is how. She trusted no one, right? So how did that person come into her life so quickly?
We all have issues, but the question is how do we solve them.
"A Lunar Chronicles AU*