Marinette is an eighteen year old superhero, designer, and student. Between her overloaded job at the bakery, school, and the weight of Ladybug pushing her into the dark, she has no fight left to help herself.
When she thought things couldn't get any worse, they did.
Falling into a endless spiral of substance abuse and depression, she knows nothing could save her or her sanity.
Adrien is hopelessly in love with his partner and best friend, Ladybug. But, she doesn't give him the time of day.
When his partner stops appearing, he gets terrified. When his father is murdered, he feels nothing. Then, add in the fact that his friend, Marinette, stops coming to school, it feels like the ones around him are dropping like flies.
On one of his night patrols for Ladybug, he sees Marinette. Soon, things change between the civilian and the superhero.
Secrets, love and lies are swirling around, and suffocating them and everyone around them.
Could this civilian, the one who used to sit behind the model in class, be the glue to fix up his cracked heart?
Is this cat the only salvation to saving the bluenette from her own mind?