Skylar Hwan, a boy with Alexandria's genesis, leads a lonely life in the urban center of Seoul. He always considered himself a monster. He claimed it was his fault his parents left him. One rainy day, 5 years ago, at the Han river, he met Key. They became friends and soon decided to live together. Since that day, they are taking care of each other, but Key is rarely home because of his career as a kpop idol.
Agreeing to Key's idea to apply to audition for SM Entertainment, his life changes completely and radically. Once he steps into the world of music and fame, he will have to deal with everything that gets in his way. Hatred, jealousy and deceit will accompany him at every turn. His life won't be dull and dismal as before. On the contrary, he'll get to know new people that will paint his life in beautiful colors. Slowly, he'll realize that life is really nice, and that love is the most beautiful thing in the world that can happen to someone.