This is a Wrong-Boy-Who-Lived story. I love these kinds of stories, because it allows the author (in this case: me) to make Harry extremely powerful and let some very famous characters (Merlin, the Founders, Death, Magic... you get the gist) have a part in the plot as well without messing the Universe up too much. I decided to write this fic and see how far I can get with new or seldomly used ideas. If however, this story reminds you too much of another story, please comment on it (so I can fix it), and rest assured that it was completely unintentional. However, to make sure that I did not unknowingly copy other people's ideas, I need YOU (yes YOU!!!) to read this story. This way I can train my writing, get some feedback and you - the reader - get to have a bit of entertainment (because while WBWL is kind of a guilty pleasure in this fandom it is a pleasure nonetheless and rather popular if you take a look at how common this trope is, just saying).