The story revolves around an ordinary high school boy who undergoes a dreadful nightmare where he was standing at the brink of a mountain smoldering against the inflamed dark clouds and monstrous whirlwind yearning with the desire of seeking destiny and thus becomes extinct to the sky. To overcome the fear of this nightmare, the boy determines to make his life odyssey by exploring dreadful dream in reality. Where he undergoes the true meaning of friendship, miserable deaths of noble ones, and becomes lone Wolf in vast quest of his life. When he gets swallowed by a monstrous whirlwind and thus, gets disintegrated inside the dark portal. A few weeks later as he opened his dizzier eyes he saw himself sitting on the bejeweled royal throne and the humongous quantity crowds gathered to cheer his name. The question arose of how and why he was on the royal throne and how did he end up there to uncover his mysterious path you have to be a part of his legacy. Sorry for spelling mistakes,
4 parts