Felix and Marzia was one of the cutest couples on YouTube, that was until Felix stopped caring about the relationship, he never hangs out with Marzia, he doesn't do videos with her, he hardly talks to her, and he is stuck in his room playing video games for hours, Marzia is trying to keep up with all of this, because she still loves him, but he can't see it because the only thing he focus on is Youtube and his bros,this kept on going on for a month, till Marzia can't take it anymore, she wants to talk about it, but Felix still didn't care, he didn't seem sad or hurt by what she was talking about, he thought that the bros would help him and he thought that he needs them more than he needs her, so he broke up with her, which made Marzia more and more heartbroken, but after a few days Felix starts to feel alone ,he realised that Marzia means the world to him, she is his everything.He made the biggest mistake in his life.
"What have I done"!!!!
*side note from the future...this is the no.1 fanfic in melix which I feel very honoured with but keep in mind I wrote this when I was like 12 so a lot of cringey grammar mistakes and typos so I'm very sorry in advance*
WIP (but don't get your hopes you it's pretty much discontinued, maybe in the future I'll complete)
After your boyfriend of 5 years dumps you, you feel alone. No one cared for you, you just lost your job, and you were a 21 year old Pewdiepie nerd. As you looked back on your life, you see a man being put in harms way by 3 grown men with weapons. You rush to help, things were going bad for you, but you thought if you could save this one man, things wouldn't be so bad. Boy, were you wrong.
-Quick note, thanks for 100 reads! i know it doesn't seem like a lot to you guys, but it does to me. I started this for personal reasons, and now people are actually reading it? This is awesome, thank you so much, I'll try to update as much as i can, but its hard with school and stuffz. Thanks again, brofist!