Ashton Burns and Caillou Penatara have a way of sneaking up on each other. Surprising each other in ways no one else can compare too. They are not completely popular at school but they aren't outcasts either. Everybody in a twenty mile radius knew these two very well. They were known for their match making and advice blog. They started up the blog freshmen year and it has been running for two years without a hitch. They always know how to handle and resolve problems with fellow bloggers. But.... On the night of Christmas Eve Ashton and Caillou receive a question about their sexuality from an unknown user. Who forces them to play their "naughty" games. Somebody is out to get them. Somebody is digging up dirty, dirty secrets that will reveal the truth of their past. The problem is nobody knows who and nobody can stop this mystery from unraveling. Will their blog crash and burn now or are they going to put their heads together and figure it out?