Dive into a strange world populated by airships, ancient technology, and fantastic alien cultures with Captain Swift and an unlikely crew thrown together by fate; his daughter, Quin, bereft of her home and the only life she had ever known; Oren, an outsider, desperate to save his culture from a revisionist dictator; Kzak, a wild inventor with a talent for reviving ancient technology and his apprentice; former stowaway and tinkerer, Erik Storm, who may be the only hope for their survival...
SG Command discovers that a previously inactive gate address has become active. A check by the SGC's MALP (Mobile Analytic Laboratory Probe) shows an Earth-like world with no 'obvious' signs of civilization. Once there, SG-1 quickly finds itself in the middle of a regional conflict that threatens to become a world war. Instead of weapons powered by internal combustion engines this is a world of steam-powered vehicles and rigid airships. Captured by one of the warring sides, O'Neill and Dr. Jackson find themselves deep in hostile territory and treated as spies. What will Stargate Command do to free them? What will Earth do as its people find themselves in the middle of a war? Find out in Stargate: Steampunk.
This is a fan fiction, full-length novel with twenty chapters.