I've been (19) with my boyfriend (20) for a year now, he has Asperger's syndrome and depression. Recently, in the last 1.5 months, I have been trying to open up the discussion of depression with him, but that has made him nervous. Due to a long distance relationship and especially at this time (he lives abroad) we can't even visit each other and the whole situation has affected us.
He says that with my questions about his condition I try to impersonate the psychologist, and that I have forgotten the role of his girlfriend, he also told me that if I continue to do what he hates so much (the discussion about depression) he will want us to break up! He also accused me of doing all this because of quarantine, because I have nothing to do. He has left me speechless, I started the discussion in order to let him know that I am there and I am available for anything but he sees that I am just continuing to do something he does not want to do.
Last night, after a fight, again, I decided to stop....
Continue reading:- https://vigyaa.io/being-in-love-with-a-depressed-person-980a65d8/