Sang Sorenson was a sweet, kind and caring girl despite the fact that she was being physically and emotionally abused by her evil step-mother and step-sister furthermore her dad the only person who she ever loved had moved on to another family. On the day of sang's 15th birthday the punishments went to far and her step-mother ended up killing the poor girl, the vile witch then proceeded to dump her body in the the enchanted woods having heard about the dangerous animals and strange occurrences attempting to leave her to rot but what she did not know was on that night was a full moon and under the mystical light the ancestors of the woods together with the ancestral mother of earth(Gaea) and the goddess of night her sister(Nyx) came down to the land of the living to see who had entered their haven but when they saw who was lying there lifeless they were heartbroken and outraged on behalf of the little girl so they chose her, they saw the goodness and innocence in her soul and the courage in her heart they gifted her with powers beyond even their imagination they made her a warrior, a leader at heart they made her willful and strong, they made her all she ever was and more. THIS IS A GHOSTBIRD FANFIC WITH ALL 14 OF THE BOYS + SANG I HOPE YOU ENJOY. THIS STORY MAY OR MAY NOT HAVE MATURE CONTENT I HAVE NOT DECIDED THIS IS ALSO A REVERSEHAREM MEANING SANG WILL END UP WITH THE BOYS NO MATTER WHAT ISSUES THEY MAY FACE.All Rights Reserved