"Harmony of Celestial Realms: A Tapestry Woven with Angels"
6 parts Complete In the grand cosmic tale, radiant angels sail,
Through realms diverse, their roles prevail.
Guiding saints with celestial might,
Shaping earthly scenes in divine light.
A ballet unfolds, wings aglow,
Guardians, mentors in sacred flow.
Unfurling purpose with every stride,
In the vast cosmic theater, they gracefully glide.
Celestial custodians, warriors bold,
Thrones carried high, praises told.
Emissaries guiding souls on their quest,
In the cosmic dance, they manifest.
Harmonious interplay, destinies shaped,
Bridging realms, celestial draped.
A luminous tapestry woven in the sky,
Reflects the connection, never to deny.