This is the tragic and happy story of how Ben and Lon first met. Ben is clearly Scottish, while Lon is purely English. So, I'm going to say that Ben's family came to England when Ben was four years old. I'm guessing, judging from a picture of them together, that they're about three years apart. So, when this story begins, Ben and Lon will be eight and five years old. This time, I'll tell this from Ben's perspective since he's going to be doing some standing up. And, after all, Lon did get to narrate one of my stories already, so I'm going to give Ben the chance to narrate a story. I'm going to take a little inspiration from Dumbo, Frozen 2, and some from Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, so Lon will be in a bit of a similar situation. I'll also take a little from The Six New Adventures.
So, without further or due, I present you with the tale of Ben and Lon. A tale of happiness and sorrow. A tale of laughter and tears. A tale of....I'm just going to go ahead and tell the story. Enjoy!
I don't own the rights to the characters. They're works of Disney.
In which, a 15 year old signs up to play the games, unknowing of the friendships she'd make and the people she'd lose.
( published 11/10/2021 )
( completed 18/10/2021 )
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