Peserphone Ella Jackson is The Granddaughther of Voldemort. How will the order react to finding out the truth that Voldemort has a "Family" and that there Sweet Long Lost Friend who thought she died Sally Jackson is actually Voldemort's Daughther and how her daughther is more powerful that any other wizards. (Lol cuz she isn't one XD). How will she react to finding out about her mom's side of the family and how she is react about another "Evil Grandfather" Will Peserphone Be the New "Dark Lady"? Will She be On the Light Side? Or Will She find love??? This is After the Battle of Hogwarts (Severus Snape, Albus Dumbledore, Remus, Sirius, Nyphadora did not die) and BOO (Pls Read Note for more Information)
6 parts