Chris, Ashley, Sam, Mike, Jess, Matt and Emily survived a night of hell in the Washington Family's lodge on Blackwood Mountain. But now comes the hard part - learning to cope and moving on. Everyone is damaged from the events of the night on the mountain, in some ways permanently, and things will never be the same. People change, friendships end, couples break up, and more heartache ensues. But good change comes too - surviving friendships grow stronger, new relationships form, and more. And no one's ever really gone. There may be some lost friends watching over all of them from beyond the grave...
Warning: NSFW - gun violence, thoughts of suicide, gore, drinking, smut, language, violent flashbacks/nightmares.
Couples: Smike (Sam x Mike), Chrashley (Chris x Ashley), Jett (Jess x Matt)
After the tragic death of Hannah and beth, Josh decided to invite everybody back to the Blackwood Pines lodge on Mount Washington for their annual winter getaway.
It's your first time joining the group of friends, being the stepsister of Chris, you were invited as well. While you are there you find out you caught the eye of a certain Washington and you could say you found an interest in him as well.
Strange events start to occur during your trip, and nobody's sure if they'll make it out alive.
"Are you okay?"
"I'm breathing, but I'm barely alive..."
Warnings: gore, mental disorders, strong language, extreme violence, smut.
text in bold are Josh' voices in his head