One-shots of all Jori that I've written. These are based off of dates of publication (which I will put), so the writing will see a significant increase in quality as the stories go on. 2021 is (most likely) the last year where I have written one-shots for this pairing, so consider this all of my short works for Jori. Unless I change my mind, to which I'll update. But, anyhow, consider this a lil time capsule of how my writing grew-which I guess means it's more for me than anyone else. xD
Anyway, so each one-shot will start off with bolded brackets with a brief summary in them. And as for the titles: (Date of Original publication) Title of One-Shot - Rating, Word Count [Type of story].
T = No mature content.
T/M = No explicit content, but there are references/implied/a small amount of mature content.
M = Explicit content; not always smut, mind you, but for the most part yes.
[Sm] = Has a focus on smut (which means some stories may have brief scenes of smut, but if they are best labeled something else, they will be labeled as such; however, for example, [X*] would be a story isn't a Sm one, but does contain some).
[A] = Angst, from drama to introspective.
[C] = Funny, light-hearted.
[F] = Supernatural/Fantasy Focused
[D] = Drabble
Anyway, with that said, hope you enjoy! :D
-Little Update before description!
My writing has improved a lot since I started this book, this is nearly two years old, if you don't care for bad writing read it all, if you do an want genuine good oneshots, I'd say start from around the one titled 'The Wrong Right One' from there my writing is alright and even then you can see improvements considering that one is a year old now, just keep how old this is in mind while you read (realistically speaking I'd say from the last oneshot but I'm overly critical of myself so don't take my word for it 💀)
So yeahh
It's just a bunch of Ishimondo oneshots
Fluff angst erm...
Random shit?
Basically anything but smut cuz I'm wholesome here and also a sex repulsed asexual so that means I also headcanon most characters to be ace as well so don't complain about the No smut cuz otherwise you're not welcome here /j
And I'll have in the title what the oneshot will be like angst or fluff in brackets, however if there is nothing in brackets it either means theres nothing in particular that it is, I don't know what it is myself or its kind of both in a way
Yeah hope you enjoy :)