This is a tale not told in a time we know, but in a very distant era, when the inhabitants of the sea, the sky, and the earth lived in perfect harmony. They moved between their realms with joy and tranquility, believing that their eternal balance was unshakable. In that age, kings ruled each kingdom with wisdom and a shared vision.
However, as with all legends, a day came when everything changed. Deep divisions arose between the rulers of the three kingdoms - the sea, the sky, and the earth - and the bonds of unity that had held them together for centuries began to crumble. Hostility erupted among them, and each king retreated into his realm, seeking to expand his dominion, heedless of the peace that once existed.
Thus begins the story. In this dark time, where the kingdoms are threatened by chaos, someone will emerge to be the brave soul who will attempt to piece together what remains of peace. But who can stand against these raging storms? Will these kingdoms remain locked in an endless conflict, or will someone risk their life to restore the lost balance?