Life for Julia hasn't always been easy, but it's about to become much more difficult. Surrounded by rumors, secrets, and lies, she'll have to decide which ones she believes, and which ones she doesn't. Jaryn and Julia's strained relationship grows worse each day, and she knows it won't be long before Jaryn kicks her out... so why does she stay? Well, it's much better than the streets, and at least she's not starving. One day, scavenging the Glitterati Tower's 'basement', Julia finds a shocking discovery- Jaryn's private diary from long ago. Reading it, she thinks she knows why Jaryn turned out the way she did, and the secret truth behind her and Kerith's 'close' relationship. Meanwhile, DCI is certain that the Glitterati are up to something, and Julia knows one day she'll have to choose sides... sooner or later.