Have you ever wanted something you can't have? Rather it's the Sexiest boy at school or the cookie before dinner that your mother won't let you have. Seventeen year old Zaniyah is dealing with body issues, as well as her inner desire to be with Kyree Johnson. Some people can sneak the cookie without their mothers knowing and some are to scared to. In Zaniyah's Case She would rather wait until she's aloud to get what she wants. But will it be to late? Sometimes you have to do what you have to do to get what you want even if that mean crashing and burning. The end result will be sweeter then grandma's cookie on a Sunday. Because you know the old saying, The best things in life are the once you FIGHT for. PASSION, LOVE, && CONFINDENCE , are the only way to get what you want even it its the hottest boy in class, or the softest cookie in the cookie gar.
11 parts