Hello just would like to say that this is based off of the Schlatt's Dream Smp persona so yes he is sort of a dick, but what if he was secretly Tubbo's dad.
Also this story will be including: eating disorders, abandonment, alcohol, swearing, and other things most likely.
If a CC says they are uncomfortable with this book I'll delete it, so if one reads this I'll probably die from embarrassment.
Summary: I remember that day. It was snowing, cold, dark, I was sure I was going to freeze to death. I remember seeing you in the box wrapped in your blanket with your bee and goat plushies. You were wrapped in your jacket and mine. I started to walk away, I heard a sniffle then your cries, "I'm sorry my son this is for the best of you," I mumbled before running. When I turned the corner I saw people around a tree before black. Now here you are 16 standing in front of me, not knowing who I am and will probably never know.