Five years ago, Vegeta was leaving the planet Vegeta to embark on a great mission. Five years, during which he has left behind all his life, forgetting who he was: The Prince of the Sayayines. And forgetting her... his fiancée, the future queen of the Sayayines. Years in which Vegeta made his life with Bulma: years in which Trunks was born. But due to circumstances of destiny, Vegeta accompanied by the Z warriors will return to his planet. He will see his father again, and he will see her again. But he does not expect to meet the news of Vegetto. Vegetto, the pure Sayayin son of Vegeta and __, who became pregnant before the prince disappeared. A little boy identical to Vegeta, both physically, in character, and in fighting ability. But the little boy is very attached to his mother and rejects his father for abandoning him. In his life there are only his mother, his uncle Nappa and his grandfather Vegeta. Will Vegeta be able to win the love of Vegetto? Will Trunks and Vegetto get along? What will happen when Vegeta sees __ again? Will love resurface? And how will he take it that in the years of absence __ has taken refuge in the arms of Bardock? And Goku? What will he think about his father being unfaithful?All Rights Reserved