Standing here on this cliff all alone. How did I get here? Why am I here? How do I stop myself from stepping closer and closer to the edge? Do I continue my life and ignore the pain you have caused? Why don't I let it take over me? well I already did. This is my story written to the people who didn't care and how I got to the edge of this cliff. This a totally fiction story about a girl who is bullied so much it pushes her to the edge and people don't realize that people are actually suffering until you lose them. Recently at my school a boy tried to commit suicide but was unsuccessful but died later that morning in the hospital. I was thinking about it in History and started to write about suicide and I hope to show everyone to watch around you because the girl in this story is obviously bullied but that's not always the case. I just hope that some of the people reading this will take to heart what this book is truly about because some people need to know they are not alone. This is just a teaser for now but I will start writing it as soon as I can just keep your eyes open for the next update.All Rights Reserved