The sequel to Katey Potter: Book 1. It's not necessarily easy being the twelve year old pre-teen daughter of one Severus Snape, who is fair, yet unfailingly, extremely strict when it comes to following the rules and regulations of Hogwarts, the Snape Family rules, and meeting his high expectations. Will Katey chaff under all of the rules, regulations, and expectations of both her father and the school that she attends? Will she stay out of trouble? Or, will she succumb to peer-pressure? What adventures lie in wait for soon-to-be twelve-year-old Katey Potter, as she prepares to embark on her second year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry? And what of the danger that petrifies many students threatening to close Hogwarts down for good? Will Katey escape joining the number of petrified students only to follow Harry and Ron? Tune it to Katey Potter: Book 2 to find out! Warning, this will contain disciplinary spanking of minors from their parent. If this bothers you then please do not read.All Rights Reserved