This story takes place after the anime series where Lelouch is 'killed' by Suzaku, who is disguised as Zero. Lelouch had accomplished what he wanted to do by recreating a new world. But the thing is... Lelouch didn't die. Lelouch went in hiding with C.C. A week later, the new emperor of Britannia was chosen. Sicarius Vi Britannia had became the new emperor of the Holy Britannia Empire. This greatly shocked Lelouch as Sicarius was the secret that their family had kept for years. Charles Zi Britannia had another son who was kept a secret from the people of Britannia. But there is a reason. But now, Sicarius is revealed to the public and he wishes to do what Charles had failed to do. What's more, he seeks to destroy the Black Knights! Sicarius also knows that Lelouch is alive and wants to kill him and his Geass! What actions will Lelouch take? What will C.C. do to help Lelouch in his quest? Read to find out! Cover picture isn't mine! ;)