Acknowledging your own flesh and blood despices your mere existence is remotely heartbreaking. Getting drilled in your head that your mum hates you every time is a melancholy feeling for a 16 year old. But whats worse is knowing your mum wishes for your death and making it loud and clear for you every day is like a bucket of ice water drained on your sleeping frame. So what would you expect this child to feel? Unworthy, useless, self loath, anger and would eventually think about suicide right? Only one of these emotions seem to stick and build up in Lola an emotion which you have to control and not let it over power you and control you, and this emotion is anger. Anger that she's stuck with a She didnt let her mother's verbal insults emotionally affect her but let it drain her phisically. She would cause chaos everywhere she went keeping it mind that it would reflect badly on her 'oh so perfect' mother. She would start fights in school cause chaos between teachers and start fights outside school with strangers.All Rights Reserved