The first book of my trilogy.
Sauron with the help of Saruman, discover that exist other universes and he created about one thousand portals called bridges that apeared in our dimension.
An invasion of orcs, trolls and wargs arrived to our world.
But that's not all, because the elves cross chasing Sauron and his army that get the control of the world and instals at the top of the Empire State of New York.
But those are not good news for humans neither, because the elves didn't like humans and Sauron's army hunted them
Karin, with 29 years old, wants to end with all this destruction. And of course, she can't do it alone.
So, by hands of destiny, she joins a group of two elves, a human and four hobbits with the same quest in mind.
In this story, none has written the books of the lord of the rings, so nobody knows about it.
And there is no Covid in the world.
Enjoy it and don't judge me, please.
~The Dark Bridges~
The fellowship of the ring
Clasification B15: violence, blood, alcohol, drugs