You are Mitsuki Chouko, a student who goes by gender neutral pronouns and a third year at Aoba Johsai. When a sudden accident happend during your second year, had caused you to stop playing on the volleyball team. On the bright side, it gave you more time to focus on your grades! You wouldn't have to be excluded from the court either! as you picked up in being the team's manager until you were to get better. It was simple, well, that part. You were still struggling with your scores, which catches the attention of one of your fellow teammates, the team captain. Toru Oikawa. Surprisingly, he was generous enough to tutor me. Who would've known he was super intelligent! His bold attitude on the court seems to cloud his everyday self. You learn a lot about him during both of your second years. Once summer break hit, you two had completely forgotten to trade numbers in order to hangout or even talk. Returning for your 3rd Year, the first person to greet you at the gate was Oikawa, of course with the infamous appearance of his best friend, Iwaizumi. The first thing Oikawa would ask you is for your contact information. You two would casually communicate on text, he seemed a bit more comfortable around you. He has been teasing you a lot more often along with questions that would help him get to know you. You two are such great friends....right?All Rights Reserved