England is at war, but in the midst of it all, he can't stop remembering that silky voice, those shining eyes, that bloodstained golden hair. He is flooded with memories that he had tried his hardest to forget. After all, it is his fault that France is gone...
Meanwhile, France is alone in a dingy jail cell, wondering where England went. He reflects on their past, thinks about their future, and passes his time dreaming of true love.
And then, his fantasies are all ripped away.
Um, I'm not really sure if this counts as FrUK, so I'm going to say PAST/PRESENT FRUK, major CHARACTER DEATH, SADNESS, FEELS, AND HETALIA. Also, PLEASE FORGIVE THE HORRIBLE SUMMARY. I can't write summaries because this is a sort of short story, but if this reallllly bad summary sound interesting, read on!