In the world of Ukiyo, Everyone is running from something... Excerpt: He eyed her suspiciously before his eyes went wide with worry. "Why are you defending this... this... MURDERER!" He shouted, making Kenji flinch a little at the sound. Kenji had never said it out loud to himself because he had managed to trick himself into thinking that killing someone who deserved it wasn't murder. But hearing it said out loud he was forced to realize the truth in his actions. The girl frowned slightly and let her gaze fall to the ground as if searching for an answer. When she looked up at him she held a look of resolve that was unmatched. "Thanks for escorting me here but I think you should leave now." She said her voice was unmoving and emotionless. "And leave you here with this hired blade?! Not a chance!" He replied. The air grew tense as the group watched the interaction unfold. The girl stepped back and a light blue almost white magical circle opened up behind her with all types of detailing and four swords each pointing in towards the middle and the hilts pointing North, east, south and west. He would have been impressed if he wasn't so on edge. "Sebastian... please. I won't say it again. Just please." She pleaded. For a moment Kenji thought the man would refuse but he lowered his weapon yet still looked upon her with stern eyes. "Fallon this man is a criminal... and currently wanted. If you are running around with him that's aiding and you'll be considered a criminal as well. Think about this please." It didn't take her long before she replied. "Well if he can help me find my father then I'll gladly be called a criminal." He sighed and sheathed his weapon. "Then I must do my job the next time we meet." "I'm sure you will. Goodbye Sebastian. And thanks for all your help." She said, he only nodded his head and turned to leave. Kenji released a breath he had Been unaware he was holding and sheathed his katana again.