What if the Winx lost a battle to the Trix, and went into a comma. They all have the same dream and are in a different world. Everything is the same except in this world the Winx never met the specialist. The Winx still meet Layla, they still meet the pixies, but they never met Sky, Brandon, Riven, Helia, Nabu, and Timmy. What happens when the Specialist and the Winx are both sent on a common mission to protect the people of earth and defeat a common enemy. The Wizards Of The Black Circle.
I know this might not be like season 4, but I had to make some changes to fit the story. It has the same story line; The Winx need to find Roxy, then need to defeat The Wizards Of The Black Circle, but the scenes are different.
Bloom has finally defeated the Trix, Valtor, and saved the magical universe many times. She has her kingdom, family, her boyfriend, and the Winx by her side. She is ready for her fairytale ending. But she has one more obstacle, not a witch but a fairy, Diaspro is trying to take her prince.
In addition to fighting for her fairytale ending she has to choose which kingdom she wants to protect.
*the events are from the show and longer versions of the movies, the names are from the Nickelodeon version*
*I figured out a name for the level after Cosmix (season 8)*