Your y/n is you. A bit of backstory Your a young girl around about 12 you were put in an orphanage at the age of 7 with your two siblings tubbo and Tommy that are both 13 years old you were put in the orphanage because you leafy your stuffed bear at the park after a picnic your parents stayed behind to pack up as you and your brother got dropped off bye a friend of your percents but you soon realise that you forgot your bear so you went back to get it but your parents noticed and divided to drive back to give it to you one thing leads to another and a car crash happens and everyone dies except you and your brothers being young and dumb you shelled you brother from the shards of glass ganing a few cuts. Y/n is also a bit self conscious due to bullying at the orphanage she also has eating disorder and suicidal thoughts.Creative Commons (CC) Attribution