In the wake of Voldemort's victory at The Battle of Hogwarts, Pansy finds herself separated from Theo. He never arrived at the safe-house as was planned and no danger would have prevented her from going after him. She planned to infiltrate the Death-Eaters and bring him back with her, but when Theo, who unbeknownst to her has had all memories of their love and friendship stripped away, turns her in as a traitor, she finds herself a prisoner at the Nott estate. Thanks to a newly modified version of the Dark Mark, all he knows is his loyalty to the Dark Lord. Forced to be a prisoner of the man she loves, her plan to save him may prove more challenging, but Pansy Parkinson was never one to back down from a challenge. No matter what it took, she was determined to bring him back to himself. Dark Mark be damned, she would save him, no matter what it cost her.