Genre: Drama, Romance, Young Adult Synopsis Quinta is simple girl that who a lot of dreams for herself and her family. She is the eldest daughter of Kristine and Leon, she had a younger brother, Tonyo. She had a boyfriend, Warren. One day, when his boyfriend is having a gay relationship with Yoyong. She decided to broke up with Warren. Then, some other day, Warren left Quinta in the Philippines, he decide to go to Singapore because Warren and Yoyong are going to be married. After that, when Warren left Quinta. Quinta meets Ofel, Ambo's girlfriend. Ambo and Quinta are cousins. Ambo introduce Ofel to Quinta. When Quinta meets Ofel. Ofel and Quinta are become best friends. Then next day, Quinta meets Pepito, Ofel's cousin. Pepito and Quinta had a romantic relationship to each other. It was revealed that they are going to be married but Pepito got accident. When Pepito died, Quinta was so devastated and then she got pregnant. She had a daughter name, Reming. After Pepito died, she decide to work from a company because she want to have her daughter a brighter future and have a foster father. When she got her job as a secretary on a company that she was a secretary of Roland (Rolly) her life was change. But it was reveal that her boss was have a wife and her life was so unpredictable. It becomes that she was a mistress. Published: January 18, 2021 Completed: February 07, 2021All Rights Reserved