The daughters of two of the most influential witches of the last generation, Charlotte Potter and Nila Malfoy. The Wizarding World is finally at peace, Lord Voldemort has been destroyed, and people are no longer being suppressed because of their blood status. However, strange things are happening at Hogwarts once again. The Gryffindor's, Crimson and Amira, embark on a mission to find out who is behind the mysterious attacks on the students in Hogwarts.
Crimson and Amira are in the same year as James Sirius Potter.
This book does NOT follow the plot of The Cursed Child.
All credit of the creation of the wizarding world goes to J.K. Rowling
This book is written by two different authors, so the writing style may vary when the perspectives change.
We have made a TikTok account about this story, you should follow it! We have previews on new chapters, character profiles, and other fun things!
The account is: secretgirl_story
If you could leave votes and comments that would be awesome, we really appreciate it!
Please be patient with updates, between the two of us we will try to update every other day or so.
You may want to go read our story about the two moms of our characters: If There Were Two and The Prewett Girl! It will help you better understand the relationship between the two families.
Please know when reading those stories that Charlotte and Nila are not in the same timeline but in this story they are! Both those stories were written before we came up with the idea for this one.
- Ava and Amelia