Brett Yang is a middle-aged professor of Philosophy in the local Griffith University. He had found himself in a problem the moment he discovered that he is attracted to a man of great beauty. The beauty is so great that he finds himself getting into trouble of focusing. He was truly distracted. He found himself alone after a mistaken one night stand.
Consumed by loneliness, he had put up an ad to marry. His philosophy was to marry someone who was not attractive to his eyes. Someone who could marry him for the companionship and without the sex. Someone he wants to marry to not be alone anymore.
Then came Edward Chen, a middle aged professor of English Literature in Griffith University.
Edward Chen's sister saw the ad and enrolled his brother. Edward Chen was immediately accepted and they had gone out on dates. Brett cannot help but think that he is exactly what he was looking for. Smart, hard-working, engaging, a day was never wasted with him, they both played the violin and most of all, Brett was not attracted to him physically.
Edward Chen settled thinking that this is what he deserved. They got married for the companionship and the talks but Eddy started to get attracted to Brett and asks for him to meet his physical demands. Brett cannot fulfill them. What will happen to them?
Inspired by the storyline of The Mirror has Two Faces.
"Eddy, you have to love me for who I am."
Eddy Chen was only 13 years old when he had met Brett Yang. They had met through tutoring and it was an unexpected knock of their faith. They talked and hit it off quite well, even after they got older.
Everything was going well until Brett falls for Eddy. Brett's feelings don't disappear. Expectations for Eddy reappear and it reminds Brett of where he really stands in Eddy's life.
A best friend.
Will they ever get past that best friend stage or will they discover who they really are to each other?
A collaboration between @claudeandclair and @twosetandbubbletea