It was only a few months after the QiongQi Path crash. Wei Wuxian still blamed himself for not teaching Wen Ning properly, and of course, Wen Qing went and handed over the crew to LanLing Jin. he thought it would be over then.
But fate had other things in mind for him. He was driving-- racing, against what? he didn't know-- 120, 140, 160. When he saw her, trying to flag down his car from a few km away. He tried to stop, he really did. But his car didn't stop, in fact it sped up. He tried to warn her, but then impact was made.
His lovely sister was hit by a car that was moving at 220 m/h. After hitting her, his car slowed down. He sped back up again. Sped up even faster and crashed. On purpose.
His sister may have a chance of living. He had no hope-- or should've had no hope.
Thirteen years later, he sat in the driver's seat of a car once again.
This is purely fiction
This book is a collab between @FlusteredKarateKid_8 and @NifflersInMyBasement.
We don't know anything about street racing so please don't call the police.