I am Ella H. Balgos, I love many things especially puppies and the rain. Small things makes me smile easily. I don't have any accompany in my house since my parents already abandoned me. I even easily get excited when someone gives me small flowers like daisy, it means so much to me! But they never gave me flowers and it's fine, I understand we're not that close. Many people are not that nice to me, but it's alright since I experience the hardships they have been risking to face too. It's hard to trust people these days. I wish we could hang out more. And I wish I have more friends so I could introduce them to my teddy bear! But all of these are only wishes I am not sure I'll have. And actually... I frequently wished to be happy too. This is my Lazy representation of my life I guess! Welcome, You are as beautiful as always. L A Z Y