💙:Howdy! I'm Mia, Mia the flower. Wait, this is not my line! Um, what is it again..Ah! I know !. Nyanpasu, I'm Mia, blogger since 1999, I'm not born in 1999..But you know that I know that you know that I-
💜:Mia , please, introduce this fcking book !!!
💙: .... What do I have to say again??
💗: This book will share with you fictional stories on childhood cartoons and tales, mixed with The Sisters Foster's universe.
💙: Oh Yeah, thanks Jess! So this book will share with-
💗: No need to repeat it now. Tay, why did you give her this text to memorize if she can't even remember her catch line well?
💜: Because She wanted to. And since I don't wanna hear this kid crying, Here, this is Jessica's text.
💙: Um.... A translated version for our French dark-unicorns is available on our account too!!✨💅🏽
💗: wait, did you really imitate the sparkles and the nail polish?
💙: But, it's on the paper-
💜:anyway, hope you like it