In a world where a mysterious mist spread across the globe, some people suddenly gained extraordinary powers beyond that of ordinary humans. They were called the "gifted" because of their special abilities. However, not everyone was pleased with their arrival. Some people began to obsess and discriminate against them. They were banned from interacting with normal people and were seen as threats to society. Due to the intense discrimination they faced, some of the "gifted" became angry and disguised themselves as villains. They started killing and spreading terror among ordinary people. But the other "gifted" did not back down. They united to fight against evil and uphold justice in the world. Using their powers, they battled the villains and were hailed as heroes by ordinary people. In every battle they faced, there was always a voice that said, "We will not be defeated by you. We are the "gifted" and we are ready to defend the world against any danger."