Yōsei Tanuki is the daughter of Ninfu Tanuki, the Dōkutsukage of the Village Hidden in the Caves. When her cousin Moya Tanuki comes to visit, Yōsei decides to travel with her cousin to the Village Hidden in the Leaves to further her skills and studies. Her cousins, Heizu and Deizu, also want to go with her. However, since they're so young, Yōsei's aunt --- Kiri --- doesn't allow them to go. Yōsei is sad to be separated from her little cousins, however, she's excited to travel to the Hidden Leaf and go on plenty of adventures. DISCLAIMER!!!! I own NOTHING from the original Naruto series. The drawings were done from bases that are NOT mine. There will be some swearing located throughout this book. If you do not like swearing, do not read it. As the main character gets older, she'll swear and hear swearing more often. You have been warned.