"There it is, a dishonorable title hangs above her head by a burlap rope, swinging as if it were a pendulum. It manages to get everyone's attention. Perfect. (Y,n) lowered her head in shame at the word, eyes dark, nothing like I've ever seen from her. I say that it's something no one deserves to be called in such a manner, especially her, but others would argue that; 'If the shoe fits, wear it.' "
Coldhearted. It's an adjective that no one loves hearing, especially not towards them, yet it has followed the Ice Pillar around for as long as she can remember. Still, that's the key to defining her. She really is cold, emotionless, and rather harsh.
However, she wasn't like this from the start. There is always a backstory to someone, even (y,n) has an explanation to it all. Though, that secret will stay unknown for as long as she shuts people out.
Even if there are walls blocking the entrance to the truths of her troubled heart, the brightest figure out of all the Hashira has sworn to do almost anything to get the (y,n) to trust him, and open her boundaries to his flaming passion of life.
Start the first chapter, and follow these two attracting opposites through their story of bonding and strengthening trust~