The population is increasing. Resources are exhausting. Climate is changing. Pollution is taking over. Biodiversity is going extinct. Paints a very dystopian picture doesn't it? Well guess what. Funny thing is that we still aren't concerned. We don't mind reading this in the newspapers everyday, we don't mind the reality of our own planet coming to an end and we definitely don't mind our future generations coming to a ruin due to us. Do we? We'd rather support our selfish motives than work together and unite to save each one.
How can you do your bit? Most of these terrible threats and risks can be minimized simply by taking a step towards renewable energy sources such as solar energy.
Thus, today with Boaz Augustin Madurai, an environmentalist and ecological enthusiast, who believes too bring huge changes through the power of solar energy, we discuss quite an important topic in reference to use of energy.