Enjoy this fantasy Rom-com ..!!!!👑
Aman Junaid khan is a College Senior and later as a business tycoon and singing as his passion and a Demi jinn.
Roshini is a College Junior and Ayanna, the warrior princess and writer later a fashion designer too.
This story will be romantic comedy,twists and turns ,fantasy,familydrama ,friendship,love ,fight,college life ,marriage,revenge and gonna be breeze touching rom-com fantasy tale !!!!
The story travels on their Past college days, love, marriage!!!, and so on...... will see how fate ties them together??? and Allah knows best of it !!!!
This story is purely mine so it is prohibited 🚫 to use my own work ....videos pictures and music used here are from google ..to enhance salt and pepper to my readers ....Hope you will enjoy reading my Scribble..
Text copyright © ShamsScribble 2021
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The story content is purely belongs to author though it's fan fiction,it holds unique story plot different from the original work .
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