16 parts Ongoing MatureIn the heart of a turbulent summer, Nora Crouch, daughter of Barty Crouch Sr. and sister to the notorious Death Eater, Barty Crouch Jr., finds refuge in the chaotic haven of the Burrow. With her father away on a mysterious business trip, Percy Weasley extends the offer of shelter, concealing the dark secrets that lurk within her family.
Haunted by the shadows of her brother's dark allegiance and the presence of an Imperiused Barty Jr. hidden within her home, Nora's life becomes a delicate dance on the edge of danger and deception. Nora will begin her sixth year at Hogwarts, alongside the mischievous Weasley twins.
Caught in the midst of conflicting loyalties and familial ties, Nora and Fred, initially at odds, discover an unlikely connection that transcends the scars of their shared pasts.