Every girl in Doki Doki Literatire Club has a route. Sayori, Naksuki, Yuri... all except Monika. That is, until a DDLC mod is released that removes Monika's Admin powers, but also gives her a route of her very own, after a fashion. The side effect? You enter the game, and you enter the world just like your own... except for 4 gorgeous girls who you know all too well. Time to give Sayori a happy ending.
Disclaimer: Firstly, I have never written good romance, the closest I have come to writing romance would be my Dramione fan fiction which i think is bad, but you can check out in the description if you like. So im sorry if I write bad romance. Secondly, I do not own any of the characters or related parts. As far as I know, there is no mod giving Monika an ending but you never know. Thirdly, I want to warn of a smut chapter. You have been warned.
"For All Eternity" Dramione fanfic Link: https://www.wattpad.com/761353604-for-all-eternity-platform-9-and-3-4