A true life story The story of a strong willed young girl born with lots of circumstances surrounding her which made her life hell but growing up especially at her tender age she's known for conquering death and other evil experiences bringing her to be a strong and independent young teenager. As the daughter of a single and unsuccessful mum she sees life very differently as the indifferent treatment came from family and friends. She feels abandoned but still fights. She falls in love at 17 and all of a sudden her mum shows up to tell her she's making wrong choices, she leaves the guy a several time and goes through a lot of trauma and depression making life even more difficult for her but again as a fighter she fights her way through and conquers her relationship back. She loves and respects him a lot ❤️ for taking her back and standing by her side despite her flaws and mistakes. She goes ahead with life as a law student and chooses writing and counselling as part of her career. She plans a future with the LOHL and hope they get there meanwhile she has other future battles to face and getting successful enough to leave her mum's aunt's house who she calls foster mum. She craves for independence and true love. Her main aim of being successful is to take care of her grandmother who is her hero and her cousins who do not have helpers and to make sure she reaches out to a lot of helpless people especially children and women. She's glad though she met her helper at 10 who's been helping her go through school and and she strongly believes even with all the storm she's gonna come out successful and victorious and she prays all her mistakes don't come back hurting her like her childhood experience does. She believes in humanity, that a God exist and has also figured the purpose of her existence so she plans starting the new year fufiling her purpose but the story is yet to start.All Rights Reserved